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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

EZCOSER (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") establishes this Privacy Policy to ensure the proper handling of personal data based on the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003, "Personal Information Protection Law") as an organization.

1. Personal Information

"Personal information" refers to the "personal information" as defined in the Personal Information Protection Law, which is information about a living individual that can identify a specific individual through the name, date of birth, address, telephone number, contact information, and other descriptions included in the information, as well as data related to appearance, fingerprints, and voiceprints, and information that can identify a specific individual from the individual information alone, such as the insurer number of a health insurance card (personal identification information).

2. Compliance with relevant laws, regulations, guidelines, etc.

We will comply with the Personal Information Protection Law and other laws, as well as the guidelines of the Personal Information Protection Commission and other guidelines, and handle personal data appropriately.

3. Method of acquiring and using personal information

When we obtain personal information, we will disclose or notify the purpose of use (including disclosure based on this Privacy Policy), and when we obtain personal information directly from the individual, we will clearly indicate the purpose of use in advance and obtain it through lawful and fair means.
We will use personal information appropriately and within the scope necessary to achieve the intended purpose of use.

4. Personal information acquired by the Company

The personal information of our customers that we obtain (defined in accordance with Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Information Protection Act) and other information related to our customers (hereinafter referred to as "personal information, etc.") includes the following information.

  • Name (kana), address, email address, phone number, gender, date of birth
  • Member ID and password
  • Order information, purchase history
  • Payment method information (excluding credit card information)
  • Complaints, consultations or inquiries (including recorded telephone conversations)
  • Survey Information
  • Favorite products, favorite work titles
  • Whether or not you subscribe to the email newsletter
  • Other information entered by the customer into the input form specified by the Company
  • Device information, log information, location information
  • Cookies

5. Purpose of use of personal information, etc.

The personal information provided by customers will not be disclosed to third parties without the customer's consent, except when entrusting business to business partners (we will request strict management of personal information to business partners and prevent them from using it for purposes other than the intended purpose) or when receiving formal inquiries from judicial or administrative agencies.

  • To verify your identity and authenticate you
  • To sell and provide our products and services
  • To bill and confirm charges (including debt management and collection)
  • To send products, invoices, etc.
  • To contact winners of campaigns in which customers have participated and to deliver prizes, etc.
  • To respond to, confirm and record customer inquiries, consultations, complaints, repairs, after-sales support, etc.
  • To develop products and improve other services
  • To conduct surveys
  • To provide point services and affiliate services
  • For the purpose of advertising and providing information on products, services, campaigns, etc. through electronic mail, we will analyze information such as browsing history and purchase history obtained from customers to provide services and deliver advertisements.
  • To deliver behavioral targeting ads using ad distribution companies such as Google (same as above)
  • To analyze attribute information and behavioral history acquired by our company in order to understand customers' hobbies, preferences, etc.
  • To use marketing data as statistical information
  • For the maintenance and operation of our products and services
  • In order to provide our products and services to customers safely, it includes discovering and notifying users who violate the terms of use, investigating, detecting, and preventing fraudulent activities and unauthorized access using the services, and responding to these actions.
  • To exercise rights and fulfill obligations based on contracts, laws, regulations, etc.
  • For other purposes stipulated individually for each of our services

6. Cookies

Our website contains pages that use "cookies."
Cookies refer to text data that is sent from a web server to a customer's browser. By referencing cookies and identifying the customer's computer, the web server allows customers to efficiently use our website.
Cookies are used to:

  • When customers log in to our website's services, we refer to their registered information that is stored, in order to provide customized services for each customer.
  • Based on the content that customers are interested in and the usage on our website, we analyze information such as browsing history and purchase history to display advertisements for new products and services tailored to customers' preferences on other websites that customers use.
  • To investigate the number of users and traffic of our website
  • To improve our services
  • To ensure security, customers who have passed a certain amount of time since their last usage will be prompted to re-enter their password (re-authentication).

Depending on your browser settings, you can change the cookie settings to disable cookie functionality. However, as a result, some services on our website may not be available for your use.

7. Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics, a service provided by Google, on our website to understand the visiting status of our customers on our website.
When using Google Analytics on our site, Google collects, records, and analyzes the visit history of your site based on the cookies issued by our company.
We receive the analysis results from Google and understand how customers visit our website.
The information of our customers collected, recorded, and analyzed by Google Analytics does not include any personally identifiable information. Additionally, this information is managed by Google in accordance with their privacy policy.
Customers can also stop the collection of their own information through our use of Google Analytics by disabling it in their browser's add-on settings. To disable Google Analytics, you can download and install the "Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on" from the download page provided by Google, and change the add-on settings in your browser. Please note that if you disable Google Analytics, it will be disabled not only on this website but also on other websites you visit. However, you can enable Google Analytics again by reconfiguring the add-on settings in your browser. For more information about the terms of use for Google Analytics, please visit the Google Analytics website, and for information about Google's privacy policy, please visit their website.

<Google Analytics Terms of Use>

<Google Privacy Policy>

<Google Analytics Opt-out Add-on>

8. About Google Extended Conversion

We use Google Conversion Extensions for the purpose of delivering advertisements tailored to our customers' interests and concerns, as well as improving the accuracy of advertising effectiveness measurement.
When using the function, we hash the names, addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers provided by customers and provide them to Google LLC.
For disabling ad delivery using Google Ads extension conversion, please refer to Google's opt-out page.

<Google opt-out page>

<Google Conversion Extension Overview>

9. Provision of personal information to third parties

We will not provide personal information we have received to a third party except in the following cases:
(1) When prior consent has been obtained from the customer
(2) When outsourcing to the extent necessary to achieve the intended purpose of use
(3) When required to provide by law
(4) In cases where it is difficult to obtain the customer's consent, but necessary for the protection of human life, body or property.
(5) In cases where it is particularly necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of healthy child development, and obtaining the customer's consent is difficult.
(6) In cases where it is necessary for a country or local government to cooperate in carrying out the affairs specified by laws and regulations, and there is a possibility that obtaining the customer's consent may hinder the execution of such affairs.
(7) When providing information to those listed in the scope of joint users in Section 8 above.

In addition, our company entrusts the handling of personal data, either in whole or in part, to subcontractors within the necessary scope for achieving the purpose of use. Our company will provide necessary and appropriate supervision to the subcontractors to ensure the secure management of the entrusted personal data.

10. Matters concerning safety control measures

We will take necessary and appropriate security measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage and to manage the personal data. We will also provide necessary and appropriate supervision to employees and contractors (including subcontractors) who handle personal data.

(Establishment of basic guidelines)
We have established basic policies and rules/guidelines regarding the handling of personal information to ensure its proper management in compliance with relevant laws, regulations, and guidelines.
(Technical safety control measures)
We have implemented information security measures to prevent unauthorized access to personal information, as well as the loss, destruction, alteration, leakage of personal information.
(Organizational safety control measures/Personnel safety control measures)
We will establish a system to properly manage personal information and strive to ensure that our officers and employees are familiar with the rules and guidelines regarding the handling of personal information, and make every effort to comply with them thoroughly.
(Physical security measures)
We have taken measures to prevent theft, loss, etc. of devices, electronic media, and documents that handle personal information.

11. Request for disclosure of personal information

When we receive a request for inquiries, corrections, suspension of use, deletion, etc. of personal information, we will promptly respond after confirming that you are the person in question through the prescribed procedures.
If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or if you wish to exercise your rights, please contact us through the inquiry form.

12. Logging in with IDs from other sites and registering as a member

By linking the information registered on LINE, Facebook, Twitter, and Yahoo! JAPAN with our membership registration information, you can log in using each site's ID. Please proceed with the procedure from the "Log in with other site ID" button on the login screen. Please note that we will only acquire and link the registration information of each site if we receive permission on the authentication screen at the time of login. The acquired information will be as follows.

  • LINE: Name and email address
  • Facebook: First name, last name pronunciation, email address
  • Twitter: Email address
  • Yahoo!: JAPAN Last name, gender, postal code, email address
  • Amazon: Name and email address

Also, if you want to cancel the ID linkage with each site, please click the "Cancel" button in the "ID linkage with other sites" section on the My Page.

13. Changes to this Privacy Policy

We will periodically review the operation status regarding the handling of user information and strive for continuous improvement. We may change this policy as necessary. In such cases, we will announce it to the users in an appropriate manner.

14. Contact Information

Contact point for inquiries about personal information and for complaints and consultations
Contact form on this website

15. Disclaimer

We strive to provide accurate information on our website's content and information, but there may be instances of misinformation or outdated information.
Please note that we are not responsible for any damages caused by the content posted on this site.

8. Shared Use of Personal Information, etc.

We will jointly use your personal information, etc. as follows:
(1) Items of personal information, etc.
All personal information, such as the customer's address, name, postal code, phone number, email address, etc., that our company obtains about the customer when using our services.
( 2) Scope of joint users
xxx Co., Ltd.
(3) Purpose of Use
We will use the information jointly within the scope of the purposes of use listed above.
(4) Name, address, representative, etc. of the company responsible for managing the personal data
We are responsible for the shared use of personal data. Please refer to the above 1 for our address and representative.
For inquiries regarding shared use, please contact us below.
【contact address】
〒999-9999 Tokyo xxx Toshin Building
xxx Corporation Personal Information Protection Consultation Desk
contact addressContact us here>>
Reception hours: Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays and New Year holidays)
